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USTA Tournaments

2024 USTA Tournaments at Longwood

Longwood Cricket Club is the annual host site for a number of USTA National Championships. These tournaments are open to all USTA members. Click on any of the tournaments below for more information.

Father- Son and Grandfather-Grandson

CLICK HERE for the tournament website

July 15-17, 2024
  • Registration closes July 1, 2024
  • This tournament will be an elimination draw with feed back draw through second round. Round robin format may be used depending on size of draw..
  • Tournament entries are limited to 64 teams.

Longwood Cricket Club attire policy:

  • Clothing must be all white and tennis specific.  A limited amount of colored piping is allowed.
  • Shoes must be primarily white.
  • Hats must be white.
  • Warm-ups may be colored.

Past Father Son Winners

1918  Alfred H.Chapin – Alfred H.Chapin, Jr.
1919  Fred G. Anderson – Fred C. Anderson
1920  Fred G. Anderson – Fred C. Anderson
1921  Fred D. Anderson – Fred C. Anderson
1922  J.D.E. Jones – Arnold W. Jones
1923  Joseph W. Wear – W. Potter Wear
1924  Alfred H. Chapin – Alfred H. Chapin, Jr.
1925  J.D.E. Jones – Arnold W. Jones
1926  Donald M. Hill – Malcolm T. Hill
1927  John Barton – Horace Barton
1928  J.D.E. Jones – Arnold W. Jones
1929  J.D.E. Jones – Arnold W. Jones
1930  J.D.E. Jones – Arnold W. Jones
1931  J.D.E. Jones – Arnold W. Jones
1932  J.D.E. Jones – Arnold W. Jones Jr.
1933  R.N. Watt – M. Laird Watt
1934  R.N. Watt – M. Laird Watt
1935  Wm. J. Clothier – Wm. J. Clothier, 2nd
1936  Wm. J. Clothier – Wm. J. Clothier, 2nd
1937  R.N. Watt – M. Laird Watt
1938  F.J. Sulloway – A.W. Sulloway
1939  R.B. Mulloy – Gardnar Mulloy
1940  L.R. Gay – F.R. Gay
1941  R.B. Mulloy – Gardnar Mulloy
1942  R.B. Mulloy – Gardnar Mulloy
1943-45  Not Held
1946  Arthur Nielson – Arthur Nielson, Jr.
1947  G.Diehl Mateer – G. Diehl Mateer, Jr.
1948  Arthur Nielson – Arthur Nielson, Jr
1949  G.Diehl Mateer – G. Diehl Mateer, Jr.
1950  G.Diehl Mateer – G. Diehl Mateer, Jr.
1951  G.Diehl Mateer – G. Diehl Mateer, Jr.
1952  Karl Kamrath – Karl Kamrath, Jr.
1953  Roger Richardson – Hamilton Richardson
1954  Roger Richardson – Hamilton Richardson
1955  J. Andrew Crane – Michael Crane
1956  Sidney Wood, Jr – Sidney Wood, III
1957  Harry Hoffmann – Harry Hoffmann, Jr.
1958  Harry Hoffmann – Harry Hoffmann, Jr.
1959  Frank Froehling, Jr – Frank Froehling, III
1960  Harry Hoffmann – Harry Hoffmann, Jr.
1961  H. William Bond – William Bond
1962  Frank Froehling, Jr – Frank Froehling, III
1963  Frank Froehling, Jr – Frank Froehling, III
1964  Robert Ralston – Dennis Ralston
1965  Frank Froehling, Jr – Frank Froehling, III
1966  Chauncey Steele, Jr. – Chauncey Steele, III
1967  Leslie Fitz Gibbon – Herbert Fitz Gibbon
1968  Chauncey Steele, Jr. – Chauncey Steele, III
1969  Chauncey Steele, Jr. – Chauncey Steele, III
1970  Frank Froehling, Jr. – Frank Froehling, III
1971  Fred McNair, III – Fred McNair, IV
1972  Fred McNair, III – Fred McNair, IV
1973  Fred McNair, III – Fred McNair, IV
1974  Alan Fleming – Peter Fleming
1975  Hugh Hyde – Hugh Hyde, Jr.
1976  Stephen Potts – Stephen Potts, Jr.
1977  Richard Karzen – Jerry Karzen
1978  Richard Karzen – Jerry Karzen
1979  Sam Giammalva – Sammy Giammalva
1980  Stephen Potts – Stephen Potts, Jr.
1981  Richard Savitt – Robert Savitt
1982  Stephen Potts – Stephen Potts, Jr.
1983  Alan Koth – Scott Koth
1984  Jerry Walters – Brandon Walters
1985  Richard Leach – Richard Leach, Jr.
1986  William Frantz – Gerald Frantz
1987  Gil Howard – Mike Howard
1988  William Frantz – Gerald Frantz
1989  Alan Koth – Scott Koth
1990  Robert Leach – Michael Leach
1991  Robert Leach – Michael Leach
1992  Scott Estes – Scott Estes
1993  Charles Hoeveler – Charles Hoeveler
1994  Charles Hoeveler – Charles Hoeveler
1995  Charles Hoeveler – Charles Hoeveler
1996  Charles Hoeveler – Charles Hoeveler
1997  Charles Hoeveler – Charles Hoeveler
1998  Bill Tontz – Chris Tontz
1999  Bill Tontz – Chris Tontz
2000  Bill Tontz – Chris Tontz
2001  Neal Newman – Cole Newman
2002  Charles Hoeveler – Charles Hoeveler
2003  Tim Butorac – Eric Butorac
2004  Charles Hoeveler – Charles Hoeveler
2005  Tim Butorac – Eric Butorac
2006  Jerry Morse-Karzen – Brett Morse-Karzen
2007  Jerry Morse-Karzen – Brett Morse-Karzen
2008  James Weinacker – Jay Weinacker
2009  James Weinacker – Jay Weinacker
2010  Jerry Morse-Karzen – Brett Morse-Karzen
2011  Jerry Morse-Karzen – Brett Morse-Karzen
2012  Jerry Morse-Karzen – Brett Morse-Karzen
2013  Jerry Morse-Karzen – Brett Morse-Karzen
2014  Jerry Morse-Karzen – Brett Morse-Karzen
2015  Peter Smith-Riley Smith
2016  Andrew Lake-Thomas Lake
2017 Eoin/Tadgh Collins
2018 Bud/Christo Schultz
2019 Paul/ Christian Settles
2020 Not held
2021 Peter/Colter Smith
2022 Paul/Christian Settles
2023 Andrew/Thomas Lake
2024 Alex/Maddox Bose

Grandfather/Grandson Champions

2004    William Tully – Jimmy Moore
2005    William Tully – Jimmy Moore
2006    William Tully – Brian O’Connor
2007    Greg Kohles – Gregory Janssen
2008    William Tully – Brian O’Connor
2009    Ronald Keiger – Chase Helpingstine
2010    Bob Hoffman – Nicholas Schwab
2011    Bob Hoffman – Nicholas Schwab
2012    Bob Hoffman – Nicholas Schwab
2013    Bob Hoffman – Nicholas Schwab
2014    Ronald Keiger – Chase Helpingstine
2015    Zenon Matkiwsky – Gregory Olesnycky
2016    L. Freer – Ian Freer
2017    Tom Lackey – Thomas Lackey
2018    James Stelson – Ethan Smith
2019    Robert Quall – Drew Quall
2020    Not held
2021    Thomas Brunkow – Lorenzo Brunkow
2022    Jon/Peter Nistad
2023    James Stelson-Ethan Smith
2024    Ray/Ian Freer

Father- Daughter and Mother-Daughter

CLICK HERE for the tournament website

August 1-3, 2024

  • Registration closes July 19, 2024
  • This tournament will be an elimination draw with feed back draw through second round. Round robin format may be used depending on size of draw..

Longwood Cricket Club attire policy:

  • Clothing must be all white and tennis specific.  A limited amount of colored piping is allowed.
  • Shoes must be primarily white.
  • Hats must be white.
  • Warm-ups may be colored.
  • Shirts must not be low cut and must always cover the midriff area. 

Open Division
1996 Vilis Cakans - Heidi Cakans
1997 Vilis Cakans - Heidi Cakans
1998 Tom Rettenmaier – Bettina Rettenmaier
1999 Rakesh Bhargava - Avantika Bhargava
2000 Rakesh Bhargava - Avantika Bhargava
2001 Paul Cass - Julie Cass
2002 Mark Scribner - Lauren Drew
2003 Paul Cass - Julie Cass
2004 Mike Nelson - Lindsey Nelson
2005 David Buterbaugh - Jamie Buterbaugh
2006 Paul Cass - Julie Cass
2007 Jerry Morse-Karzen – Becky Morse-Karzen
2008 John Holladay - Hannah Holladay
2009 Craig Hardenbergh - Lindsey Hardenbergh
2010 Jerry Morse-Karzen - Becky Morse-Karzen
2011 Craig Hardenbergh - Lindsey Hardenbergh
2012 Craig Hardenbergh - Lindsey Hardenbergh
2013 Gerrit Disbergen - Shene Disbergen
2014 Craig Hardenbergh - Lindsey Hardenbergh
2015 Michael Sperling - Jacqueline Sperling
2016 Jerry Morse-Karzen - Becky Morse-Karzen
2017 Charles Merzbacher – Caitlyn Merzbacher
2017 Peter/Erica Krisan
2018 Peter/Erica Krisan
2020 Not held
2021 Andrew Lake/Evan Lake
2022 Douglas Schoenly/Danielle Schoenly
2023 Tomas/Claudia Catar

Senior Division
1998 Peter Joseph - Jarilyn Joseph
1999 Ronald Rubenstein - Blair Rubenstein
2000 John Gorsky - Lynda Kessler
2001 Larry Huebner - Karin Huebner
2002 Vilis Cakans - Heidi Cakans
2003 Vilis Cakans - Heidi Cakans
2004 Larry Huebner - Karin Huebner
2005 Ben Shelfer - Spencer Shelfer Moorman
2006 John Gorsky – Lynda Gorsky
2007 Paul Cass - Julie Cass
2008 Paul Cass - Julie Cass
2009 Paul Cass - Julie Cass
2010 Paul Cass - Julie Cass
2011 Al Baker - Marianne Baker
2012 Al Baker - Marianne Baker
2013 Jerry Morse-Karzen - Becky Morse-Karzen
2014 Paul Cass - Julie Cass
2015 Paul Cass - Julie Cass
2016 Jerry Morse-Karzen - Becky Morse-Karzen
2017 Jerry Morse-Karzen - Becky Morse-Karzen
2018 Jerry Morse-Karzen - Becky Morse-Karzen
2019 Jerry Morse-Karzen - Becky Morse-Karzen
2020 Not Held
2021 Lars Ahlstrom – Addison Ahlstrom
2022 Lars Ahlstrom – Addison Ahlstrom
2023 Lars-Addison Ahlstrom

Super Senior Division
2002 Mel Kerwin - Anne Kerwin Payne
2003 Leslie Pollack - Jennifer Reiner
2004 Leo Power - Elaine Cosseboom
2005 Leonard Treash - Debra Simpson
2006 Charles Solomon - Suzette Solomon
2007 Larry Huebner - Karin Huebner
2008 Herman Ahlers - Krista O'Connor
2009 Herman Ahlers - Krista O'Connor
2010 Ben Shelfer - Spencer Shelfer Moorman
2011 Paul Walker - Julie Mitchell
2012 Edwin Taff - Allison Taff
2013 Paul Walker - Julie Mitchell
2014 Michael Hanna - Liz Morrison
2015 William White - Stephanie Tolosa
2016 Paul Cass - Julie Cass
2017 Paul Cass-Julie Cass
2018 Paul Cass-Julie Cass
2019 John Seymour-Joni Seymour
2020 Not held
2021 Paul Cass - Julie Cass
2022 David Martin - Karlyn Martin
2023 David Alvah Martin-Karlyn Martim

Ultra Senior Division
2007 Don Bentz - Jane Matelski
2008 Richard Phelps – Ann Jacobs
2009 Richard Phelps – Ann Jacobs
2010 Henry Lane - Jennifer Lane
2011 Enver Mehmedbasich - Susan Wright
2012 Richard Phelps – Ann Jacobs
2013 Richard Phelps - Ann Jacobs
2014 Sheldon Fechtor -Chance Fechtor
2015 Sheldon Fechtor-Chance Fechtor
2016 Sheldon Fechtor-chance Fechtor
2017 Robert Hicks – Cheryl Hicks
2018 Robert Hicks-Cheryl Hicks
2019 Robert Hicks-Cheryl Hicks
2020 Not held
2021 Paul Sullivan-Alina Murray
2022 Edwin Taff-Allison Taff
2023 Paul Sullivan-Alina Sullivan

The Keith Vens Award

This special award is named in memory of Keith Vens from Warren, Ohio, who played at Longwood’s national championships many times with his daughter, Abby, and his son, Kasey. An outstanding athlete, brilliant shot maker, and charismatic personality, Keith died tragically in an automobile accident in January 2001. The award is presented annually at the National Father Daughter Grass Court Championships to the team that best exemplifies Keith’s sportsmanship, his love of Father Daughter tennis, and his deep respect for the game.

Previous Keith Vens Award Winners

2001 Mike Nelson - Angelique Nelson
2002 Jim Settles - Allison Settles
2003 Pete Bostwick - Cackie Wilson
2004 Larry Huebner - Karin Huebner
2005 Tom Rettenmaier – Bettina Rettenmaier
2006 Dick Phelps, Ann Jacobs
2007 Laddie Feher - Lauren Feher
2008 Charlie Cook - Jennifer Clark
2009 W.T. Mathes - Myra O'Dell
2010 Scott Estes - Jill Feher
2011 Barry Mabe - Elisha Finocchietti
2012 Charles “Whitey" Joslin – Laura Joslin
2013 Paul Walker - Julie Mitchell
2014 Wade Frame -Alissa Frame
2015 Merrill Jones - Lynsie Jones
2016 Jerry Morse-Karzen - Becky Morse-Karzen
2017 John Davis – Lisa Bornt Davis
2018 Spencer Gray-Erica Gray
2019 Peter Krisan-Erica Krisan
2020 Not held
2021 James Flower-Kirsten Hedrick
2022 Jerry Wayne-Tammy Johnston
2023 Gomez Diaz


Click Here for the tournament website

August 1-3, 2024

  • Registration closes July 19, 2024
  • This tournament will be an elimination draw with feed back draw through second round. Round robin format may be used depending on size of draw..

Longwood Cricket Club attire policy:

  • Clothing must be all white and tennis specific.  A limited amount of colored piping is allowed.
  • Shoes must being primarily white.
  • Hats must be white.
  • Warm-ups may be colored.
  • Shirts must not be low cut and must always cover the midriff area. 

Past Winners

2011 Louise Cash – Lauren Cash
2012 Louise Cash – Lauren Cash
2013 Mary Rompf – Maryann Rompf
2014 Louise Cash – Lauren Cash
2015 Louise Cash – Lauren Cash
2016 Louise Cash – Lauren Cash
2017 Louise Cash – Lauren Cash
2018 Felicia Hutnick – Teresa Kaiser
2019 Katrina Driscoll – Caroline Driscoll
2020 Not Played
2021 Katrina Driscoll – Maddie Driscoll
2022 Isabela Iantosca – Sofia Iantosca
2023 Mary Rompf – Maryann Rompf
2011 Louise Cash – Lauren Cash
2012 Louise Cash – Lauren Cash
2013 Louise Cash – Lauren Cash
2014 Louise Cash – Lauren Cash
2015 Louise Cash – Lauren Cash
2016 Barbara McGaffigan – Christine McGaffigan
2017 Louise Cash – Lauren Cash
2018 Felicia Hutnick – Teresa Kaiser
2019 Felicia Hutnick – Teresa Kaiser
2020 Not Played
2021 Felicia Hutnick – Teresa Kaiser
2022 Louise Cash – Lauren Gebbia
2023 Colleen Clery Ferrell – Cassidy Ferrell
2011 Ann Murphy – Kim Francis Murphy
2012 Ann Murphy – Kim Francis Murphy
2013 Penny Powell – Leslie Tracy
2014 Not Played
2015 Not Played
2016 Barbara Burke – Allison Albers
2017 Marsha Bornt – Elizabeth Bornt-Davis
2018 Marsha Bornt – Elizabeth Bornt-Davis
2019 Barbara Burke – Allison Albers
2020 Not Played
2021 Mary Mayotte – Lee Ford
2022 Louise Cash – Lauren Gebbia
2023 Liane Bryson – Natalie Bryson

85 and 90 tournament

Click Here for the tournament website

August 19 - 22
  • Entries for this tournament are open now
  • Entries close for this tournament (TBD).
  • This tournament will be an elimination draw with feed back draw through second round. Round robin format may be used depending on size of draw..
Longwood Cricket Club attire policy:
  • Clothing must be all white and tennis specific.  A limited amount of colored piping is allowed.
  • Shoes must be primarily white.
  • Hats must be white.
  • Warm-ups may be colored.

Men's 85 Past Winners - Singles

1987  Malcolm Clarke
1988  Kenneth Beer
1989  Kenneth Beer
1990  Kenneth Beer
1991  Kenneth Beer
1992  Kenneth Beer
1993  Emil Johnson
1994  Jack Staton
1995  Herman Ratcliffe
1996  Herman Ratcliffe
1997  Ed Kendall       
1998  Gardnar Mulloy
1999  Gardnar Mulloy            
2000  Gardnar Mulloy
2001  Dan Miller        
2002  Irving Converse                                                                                   
2003  Albert Ritzenberg         
2004  W. Howard Kuntz
2005  Robert Sherman
2006  Robert Sherman          
2007  Robert Sherman          
2008  Newton Meade            
2009  Fred Kovaleski 
2010  Tony Franco
2011  Fred Kovaleski 
2012  Fred Kovaleski 
2013  Tony Franco    
2014  Tony Franco    
2015  Joseph Russell
2016  xxx
2017  George McCabe
2018  George McCabe
2019  King Van Nostrand
2020  Not Held
2021  Jerald Hayes
2022  Jerald Hayes
2023  Donald Mathias

Men's 85 Past Winners - Doubles

1987  James Rogers – Malcolm Clarke
1988  Kenneth Beer – Fred Kramer
1989  Kenneth Beer – Fred Kramer
1990  Kenneth Beer – Fred Kramer
1991  Kenneth Beer – Herbert Hauser
1992  Malcolm Clarke – Ted Wolfe
1993  Emil Johnson – Edward Tarangioli
1994  Mal Clarke – John Light
1995  R.V. Connerat – Herman Ratcliffe
1996  R.V. Connerat – Herman Ratcliffe
1997  R.V. Connerat – Herman Ratcliffe
1998  Gardnar Mulloy – Emil Johnson
1999  Gardnar Mulloy – Verne Hughes
2000  Gardnar Mulloy – David Carey
2001  Gardnar Mulloy – David Carey
2002  Gardnar Mulloy – David Carey
2003  W. Howard Kuntz – Albert Ritzenberg
2004  Robert Mix – Albert Swetka
2005  Jim Carleton – Kenneth Hayes
2006  Edward Selfe – Robert Sherman
2007  Marvin Henderson – Robert Sherman
2008  Neville Halligan – Newton Meade
2009  Neville Halligan – Newton Meade
2010  Newton Meade – Bob Meyerdierks
2011  Jas Mackey - Bob Meyerdierks
2012  Tony Franco – Graydon Nichols
2013  Tony Franco – Graydon Nichols
2014  Tony Franco – Graydon Nichols
2015  Herbert Bascome – David Maxwell
2017  George McCabe/Michael Claffey
2018  Joe Russell/Chuck Nelson
2019  George McCabe/John Powless
2020  Not Held
2021 Jerald Hayes – Graydon Nichol
2022 Jerald Hayes – Graydon Nichol
2023 Jerald Hayes-Wilbur Jones

Men's 90 Past Winners - Singles

2000  R.V. Connerat
2001  Emil Johnson
2002  Emil Johnson
2003  David Carey
2004  Gardnar Mulloy
2005  Ted Zoob
2006  Irving Converse
2007  Alex Swetka
2008  Alex Swetka     
2009  Alex Swetka
2010  Robert Sherman
2011  Robert Sherman
2012  Henry Tiberio   
2013  Henry Tiberio
2014  Henry Tiberio
2015  Tony Franco
2016  xxx
2017  Anthony Franco
2018  Lou Wick
2019  Richard Eitel
2020 Not Held
2021 George McCabe
2022 George McCabe
2023 George McCabe

Men's 90 Past Winners - Doubles

2000  Kenneth Beer – Robert Lawrence
2001  Emil Johnson – Roland Sharer
2002  Emil Johnson – Roland Sharer
2003  David Carey – Gardnar Mulloy
2004  David Carey – Gardnar Mulloy
2005  Gardnar Mulloy – Ted Zoob
2006  Irving Converse – Dan Miller
2007  Barrett Scallet – Norman Stall
2008  Robert Mix – Alex Swetka
2009  Tudor Apmadoc – Albert Ritzenberg
2010  Robert Sherman – Alex Swetka
2011  W.T. Mathes – Robert Sherman
2012  Henry Tiberio – Stephen Parsons
2013  Henry Tiberio – Stephen Parsons
2014  Henry Tiberio – Stephen Parsons
2015  Tony Franco – Graydon Nichols
2016  xxx
2017  Philip Martinetti/Tom Selstad
2018  Tio Campanile/Tom Selstad
2019  Richard Eitel/Simon Myint
2020 Not Held
2021 George McCabe – Richard Morse
2022 George McCabe –Saul Snyder
2023 George McCabe-Saul Snyder